Camilla Tassi

Bregman Media Labs. Project under Dr. Michael Casey, Dartmouth College. Brain orchestra, sound design in SuperCollider.

Bregman Media Labs. Project under Dr. Michael Casey, Dartmouth College. Brain orchestra, sound design in SuperCollider.
Created online catalog of compositions that utilize the
text and poetry of author Primo Levi.
Featured on
Computer Science & Music Projects
• Motet for Loudspeaker & Performer
Designed and built 4-channel loudspeaker 'voice' pyramid
cabinet for performance. Recorded self vocals. Ableton.
• Music Mind Ensemble: EXNECTOME
EEG reading done in OpenBCI and sound design in
SuperCollider. Brain orchestra under Dr. Michael Casey
• LenMus
Contributed to LenMus, an open source music theory learning
program. See September 2015 update for details. Primarily C++.
Created a 3D WebGL Piano Keyboard with interactive keys.
Computer Graphics project with partner Shaquille Johnson. WebGL, JavaScript.
Electronic 'keyboard' instruments designed for Thid Coast
Percussion's performance of "Wild Sound". Under Dr. Jay
Brockman. Arduino, Mozzi library.
Web designer for Yale Cabaret (2020-2021)
Ongoing project of open-source software for artists, for video editing, audio editing, and broadcasting.