Feature: Levi Catalog published on Turin Levi Center Site
I'm humbled to have the Centro Internazionale di Studi Primo Levi (Center for International Studies on Primo Levi, primolevi.it) feature the catalog I compiled of classical music related to Primo Levi on their center and site.
Below is the article in English. For the Italian version of the news article, see here.

Primo Levi is an incredible man who did so much by sharing his story, this is literally the smallest way I can give back to his memory and how he inspired me. The message of humanity in his novels and poetry continues to be especially relevant today as he understood the gray area while enduring one of the most inhuman experiences.
How beautiful to have music be a part of their literature-focused studies and center - thankful for Dr. Montemaggi who offered kindness and advice on this ongoing project.
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